Logo of the Mapperley Knit & Natter Club

We are a group of enthusiastic machine knitters, who get together once a month to share ideas, and to learn more about our craft.


Knitting machines aren't easily carried around, so we have two club machines that we use for demonstrations given by club members, and to help new knitters (and those returning after a break) to get to grips with their machines.


Although we're a machine-knitting club, most of our members also hand-knit or crochet (or both) and often bring something to work on during meetings.

When we meet

We meet on the first Monday in the month, unless that is a bank holiday in England. In that case, the meeting moves to the second Monday in the month.


Normal meeting times are 6.45pm to 9pm (doors open at 6.30pm).

Where we meet

Killisick Community Centre

Killisick Road




There is a small car park and on-street parking nearby.


The venue is on one floor, with wide doors. There is an accessible toilet. The car park is 100m away (a kerb and then a short path across the front of the building). There is one accessible parking space immediately in front of the venue. If you need to use it and are not a regular visitor, please let us know in advance. This way, we can ask people who have brought others less able to walk to move their cars promptly.

Future meetings

Meeting details for at least the next 3 months are listed, and details are added as they become available.

August 2024
Club night - August from 6:45pm - 9:00pm
We will be exploring slip stitch, using Denise Musk's book as inspiration. We will be looking at both mosaic patterns (small, fairisle-type patterns) and also using slipstitch to make deeply sculptured fabrics. Doors open at 6.30pm
September 2024
Club night - September at 6:45pm
We hope to have a 'Trunk Show' from the Knitting & Crochet Guild Collection. Doors open at 6.30pm
October 2024
Club night - October at 6:45pm
Graham Jones - a knitting-machine repairer - is coming to give us a talk and demonstration on how to best care for our machines. Doors open at 6.30pm

Contact us


If you wish to contact us, please use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You may find the answers to your questions elsewhere on this page.

Required fields are marked *

The club is run by volunteers. It may take us a little while to get back to you.

What does it cost?

We have to pay for the room hire, the refreshments and external speakers.

  • Club members pay an annual subscription of £13.00 and a per-meeting fee of £3.00. Club members have a say in the running of the club.
  • Visitors pay a per-meeting fee of £5.

The rates are updated every year at our April AGM.

Find us online

You can find more information about us on Facebook and Instagram.